Friday, November 18, 2011

Sweet little lies

Stenographer Amy Anderson of the Falmouth Forecaster dutifully copies:
Edgar Leighton, a member of the first Town Council, said the new council members will not create a major shift in the direction the town takes, but the composition of four women will change the dynamic. He also said the council may now have more productive conversations. "It's my understanding that there were a lot of 5-2 votes and while that gets the job done, it's my sense that one of things that will change is that the meetings will move a little smoother," Leighton said. "There is always room for disagreement and there is nothing wrong with that, but when it is constant, that is not good."
On the 2010-2011 Council, there were exactly two 5-2 votes where Joe Migliaccio and Eric Pandora voted the same way in the minority. The first was on November 9, 2010, when both voted against Jim Cassida as Council Chair, the second on January 25, 2011, when both voted against an unenforceable and constitutionally suspect e-mail policy for the Town Council. If two out of 78 is "constant", I am Marie of Roumania. If the Forcaster and Mr. Leighton care to gain a deeper understanding of truth as opposed to hearsay, I've compiled the votes for them here. But sweet little lies are the comforting stories we like to tell ourselves, right?

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