Sunday, October 30, 2011

In one uendo and out the other

The verbal tricks of politics and the media run from shameless character assasination to titillation and back, sometimes a combination of the two. "Does candidate x blow goats? It would be irresponsible not to speculate" is a famous (in the lefty blogosphere, anyway) parody of the style Richard Hofstader famously labeled paranoid.

So we have an honored Solon of Freeport politics, one Ed Bonney, writing this:
"In every election a candidate can expect to lose some signs due to weather or vandalism, but this year the apparent [sic] organized effort to remove and destroy candidate signs is the worst I have ever seen."
Note the "apparent[ly] organized" bit. Dark forces. Not the candidates, mind, and surely not his candidates, but an apparently organized cadre of evil minions slashing and burning. Subverting the political process. Who are they? Do they blow goats? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

This blog started with a report of the disappearance of signs belonging to a candidate Mr. Bonney does not support. Others he's not inclined to bless with his imprimatur have also lost signs. Is there a town-wide cadre of anti political sign zealots lurking in the mud of Freeport waiting to deprive its citizens of vital signage during a political campaign? Magic eight ball sez unlikely.

It's a damned shame when the election campaign in a town of 8500 winds up with paranoid McCarthyite tactics deployed by partisans, especially experienced activists like Ed. I guess paranoia makes for strange bedfellows.


  1. "This blog started with a report of the disappearance of signs belonging to a candidate Mr. Bonney does not support." Huh? You must have missed the 1/2 page Egan ad in the Forecaster with Bonney listed as a supporter.

  2. Bonney's Premature Accusuation

    In a recent letter to the Brunswick Times-Record, Ed Bonney declares "I am appalled at the sign rage evidenced this year by supporters of some candidates in the Town Council races, the most egregious is the destruction of signs belonging to Kristina Egan in the District 3 Town Council race." As a supporter of Joe Migliaccio, I take exception to this unproven accusation.

    There are other possibilities.

    WIKIPEDIA notes:

    "The expression "discrediting tactic" in politics refers to personal attacks against a public figure intended to discourage people from believing in the figure or supporting their cause" and "The term 'dirty tricks' can also be used to refer to an underhanded technique to get ahead of an opponent (such as sabotage or disregarding the rules of engagement)."
    Of course these tactics would be well-recognized by a "political consultant". What an easy way to attract attention and sympathy to a previously unknown candidate!

    Another possibility for sign removal exists with supporters of control of outdoor advertising. Ms. Egan's billboard sized placards, placed in unorthodox locations, may be regarded as a red flag by highway beautification advocates. I think these folks need to cut Ms. Egan some slack; as a newcomer to Freeport, she can't be expected to honor local traditions. She hails from the "Bigger is Better" Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a body politic that wallows in excess.

    In summary, until someone is caught "red-handed", let's not jump to conclusions, Mr. Bonney. And in future declarations to candidates, your full disclosure would be appreciated.

    Bob Brennan
    Freeport, ME


Play nice.